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Monday 12 March 2012

Queens Town!

The drive into Queenstown had been described by Ian, as being "two routes one for the brave and one for the sensible" so naturally we took the 'brave' option and coaxed our wee van up and over the mountain pass (lord of the rings style) and were greeted  by magnificent views of the lake and mountains around Queenstown. Finally we had reached Lord of the Rings Territory! Much of the journey was taken up with quotes from the films and general LOTR trivia.  The town was beautiful and having been fore warned about Ferg Burger we went in search of this mighty meaty challenge. Sitting on the lake shore watching the sun dip bellow the magnificent mountain range (which surrounds the town/lake) while sipping a beer and digesting the meat overload we agreed we had found somewhere (at-last) in the south island we could live...if only there was waves!

Camping below the peak of Ben Lomond at the lakes edge again we resorted to LOTR  commentary and I finally  gave in and asked to learn the ways of rummy. After finishing my book, reading every leaflet, running the ipods flat and doodling on every spare blank space it was the lesser of 2 evils (Intense boredom or cards). I might add I am AMAZING and Egyptian Rat Screw is just a ridiculous game for people who cant handle real games.

While ideally wandering the streets of queenstown weighing up our options on how best to get an adrenalin fix we wandered passed Quicksilver and who else is standing in the doorway but Ben Lethem (from Lochgilphead now Im starting to believe this really is a small world). On his advice we head off up the mountain on the cable car for a introduction tandem flight with the paragliding company G-force. For those of you who know that feeling you get the first time you pop up, drop down the face of a wave feeling the acceleration and make that first wobbly bottom turn and you look up on the glassy green face shimmering and stretching off in front of you and that feeling of untainted child-like excitement. The feeling that leaves you just wanting more. Well thats kinda how I felt as my feet left the ground the noise, cares and worries left us behind as we sored out over queenstown. Our instructors gave us both a thrilling flight with high banking wing overs where the G force crushed you into the seat followed by the weightless free fall felling of a controlled stall. I feel I owe an apology to Tim my pilot who patiently answerer all my questions on landing  on all the technicalities and techniques/skills required to fly.

Being handed a Cd with photos of our flight was one thing but a book of discounts around town was another thing and I dont think Mairi's smile could have got bigger when she realised what it was! Taking advantage of the discounts we indulged in possibly Biggest/Best ice cream ever, a dodgie half pint of home made pub ale and then headed off to find a hair dresser willing to take on the challenge of my mop of hair. After scouring the back streets and low life haunts of the cheap barbers who might be desperate enough to want to cut my hair we discovered such a man, a french man! Who worryingly seemed to quite enjoy touching my head and running his fingers through my hair. Putting it out of mind and showing off my C grade standard grade french I ended up with very short but adequate trim. Dinner with Ben and his adopted family that night was amazing and it was really good to hear about all the goings on in the town. The next morning minds a bit hazy after a few beers the night before we decided to head on up Ben Nevis, unfortunately our body's weakened from the night before weren't holding out too well against the heat and steep gradient and by the top of the gondola the conclusion was unanimous. It would be a far better use of our time to play on the luge track and try set best times, ram each other off the track and try get air off the wee jump rather than climb a mountain with all the pain and effort that goes with it. 

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